Parish Groups

If you would like to assist of take part in any of the below groups please contact the Parish Office.

  • Parish Pastoral Council
  • Parish Hall Committee (hall is available to hire for events/functions)
  • Family Mass Group
  • Adoration Group –  Monday-Saturday 7.30am – 9.30am
  • St Vincent de Paul (Meet each Thursday from 7-8pm)
  • Ministers of the Eucharist and the Word
  • Altar Society (Cleaning, Floristry & Linen)
  • St Joseph’s Young Priests Society (This group meets regularly to pray for vocations and provide financial aid to those entering the Priesthood)
  • Website Committee – This committee has four members and generally meets once a month to review the website and decide what upcoming events/news/etc. needs to be added to the website and what should be removed from the website. The changes to the website are then completed by one of three committee members who are rostered for each month.