

Adoration started in St. Joseph’s in November, 2006.

Due to Covid restrictions the Church is open for private prayer after the on-line mass times until 5 pm each evening’

Adoration: Our Adoration Hours are:

(i) Monday-Saturday 7.30am – 9.30am

(ii) Another Adoration Hour has been added on Mondays 7-8pm – Anyone who wishes to commit to an hour(s) please leave your details into the Sacristy.

(iii) Monday and Tuesday 10.30am -11.30am.

Anyone who wishes to commit to an hour(s) please leave your details into the Sacristy.

Adoration in St. Joseph’s will end on Christmas Day at 8.30am and recommence on Monday 3rd January 2022 (until 9.30am on 3rd January).

Venite Adoremus!

Church doors are locked at 5pm every day.